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Apple sets free the Intel-Chip 11.01.2006

For our English speaking visitors: (more…)

Where does the 22C3-Audience came from? 02.01.2006

This is a kind of Data-Retention, one can endure perhaps: There is a Frappr!-group about the 22C3 and everybody who attended the 22nd Chaos Communication Congress is free to add him- oder herself to that group, so one can see, where the audience of the 22C3 came from.

Frappr! stands for “Friend Mapper” and is a website dedicated to locate people at the place (home, work, holiday, etc.) they specified themselves and can be regarded as “Social Software“.

There is also a Frappr!-group for the Chaosradio, the radioshow of the Chaos Computer Club Berlin, which is organised by Tim Pritlove. And beeing the creative and independent guy that I am, I also created a Frappr!-group for my audience, the listeners of CongressRadio.

So join Frappr! if you like (you can use another Name and a disposable Email-Address, e.g. via “Mailinator“) and add your location to the mentioned groups.


The King is dead, long live the King 31.12.2005

The 22nd Chaos Communication Congress is over and this is my personal summary and result of the 22C3:


Haecksen will still have their own area at 22C3 20.10.2005

For our English speaking visitors: (more…)


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 We believe  The stage is set  Planning the 22C3 Fahrplan using "Pentacards"  Our Studio at 22C3  Sofasurfers - surfing the Net on a Sofa  Eat more... 100% reduced... Partyline... RFID-Zapper...  Serverporn (4 of 4)  Serverporn (3 of 4)  Serverporn (2 of 4)  Serverporn (1 of 3)